Our Curriculum Subjects
At Hursthead Juniors, our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, with each subject following a clear Knowledge and Skills Progression (KSP) to ensure the children are building on prior knowledge and developing key skills. In every subject, there is a strong emphasis on adaptive teaching, to ensure that every child makes progress and meets their potential.
In English, we have created Learning Journeys to teach writing with a focus on audience and purpose. We use Non Nonsense Phonics (validated SSP programme), alongside decodable readers (eg Talisman series) and Rapid and Code schemes. We teach reading through whole class reading comprehension lessons, based on VIPERS comprehension skills.
In Maths, we follow the White Rose Hub Scheme of Learning.
In PSHE, we teach a spiral curriculum, based on the PSHE Association.
Geography, History and Science
We teach Geography, History and Science through half-termly topics (termly in Year 6), based around a key question and linked to the KSP documents. See the Year Group Overviews on Our Curriculum page.
In art, we follow a teaching sequence of “Analyse – experiment – create – assess”, linked to the KSP.
Design and Technology
In D&T, we follow the design cycle of “Investigate- plan-create- evaluate” , linked to the KSP, and complete three projects each year.
In computing, we have created a scheme of work, written with Hi-Impact, linked to the KSP, which includes e-safety lessons and Code Studio lessons.
In PE, we have started using GetSet4PE for our curriculum lessons. Our KSP document is currently under review for PE.
Foreign Languages
In Foreign Languages, we teach Spanish, through iLanguages lessons, linked to the KSP.
In music, we follow the KAPOW scheme of work, linked to the KSP, with some thematic links.
Religious Education and World Views
In RE and Worldviews, we follow Stockport’s Agreed Syllabus.