Meet The Team
Senior Leaders
Mrs Kendrick - Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss Walker - Deputy Headteacher, Upper Key Stage Two, English Lead, School Direct Alliance Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Taylor - Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, PSHE Lead
Year 3 Team
Miss Naden - Class Teacher,
Mrs Hammond - Class Teacher, Music Lead
Mrs Kelly - Class Teacher
Mrs Murray, Mrs Pennington, Mrs Reynolds- Teaching Assistants
Year 4 Team
Mr Drew - Class Teacher, RRSA Steering Group and School Council Lead
Mrs Foulkes - Class Teacher, History Lead Mrs Pownall - Class Teacher, Geography Lead Miss Parker - Class Teacher, Computing Lead
Miss Larson, Miss Butler, Mrs Squires - Teaching Assistants
Year 5 Team
Mr Foden - Class Teacher, PE Lead
Mrs Deverell - Class Teacher,
Mrs West - Class Teacher, Foreign Languages Lead
Mr Holland, Mrs Hall, Mrs Angeline- Teaching Assistants
Year 6 Team
Mrs Cantwell - Brown- Class Teacher, Design and Technology Lead
Mr McDowell - Class Teacher, Mental Health Champions Lead
Miss Lovell - Class Teacher, Reading Lead
Mrs Morrissey, Miss Williams, Mrs Dyke- Teaching Assistants
Non-class-based teachers
Mr Wynne - PPA cover, Pupil Premium and Recovery Champion, Financial Education Lead, Religious Education and World Views Lead Mrs Jackson - Science Lead Mr Gilbert
Office Team
Miss Egan- School Business Manager (Health and Safety, Information Governance)
Mrs Smith- School Business Manager (Finance, HR)
Mrs Wright- Office Administrator
“Staff are friendly and caring. I would heartily recommend this school to any prospective parent!”