Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium
“The way in which pupil premium is used is fantastic and benefits pupils. This model should be shared with other schools. ”
The Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools, in additional to main school funding. It was introduced by the Government in 2011 as a means to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners and to narrow the attainment gap. It is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. Schools also receive funding for children who are ‘Looked After Children’ or children who have been adopted. It is up to schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium, since they are best placed to decide what provision should be made to meet the needs of individual pupils within the school.
At Hursthead Junior School, we follow the Education Endowment Foundations’ tiered approach to supporting pupils who are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. We ensure that all pupils have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities and a significant amount of our budget is allocated to this; we also plan, deliver and evaluate targeted interventions and wider school strategies to support our pupils beyond their academic needs. We aim to provide the best opportunities for pupils to succeed and offer a range of different, bespoke provisions which meet the individual needs of the entitled children. This provision is rigorously monitored, evaluated and the impact discussed with teachers, parents and children on a regular basis so that we can be sure that we are making a clear difference to the outcomes for our Pupil Premium children.
To discuss Pupil Premium funding, please contact either Mrs Kendrick, Headteacher, or Mr Wynne, Pupil Premium Champion.